The Williams Foundation gets a clue - then loses it again...
"For more than one hundred years Australian defence strategy has been based on 'expeditionary' operations. If we are going to learn anything from the disasters of the last fifty years in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, it should be that that model has failed politically, socially, militarily and ethically. Simply put, the era has gone in which predominantly white, predominantly European, predominantly Christian armies could stampede around the world invading countries their governments either don’t like or want to change... Without exception, wars lead to injustice and depravity. " (p. 285 Toohey)
This paper has since been _removed_ from the foundation's website following a change (Americanisation?) in the composition of the board.
Source: Secret - The Making of Australia's Security State - by Brian Toohey 2019
ISBN: 9780522872804
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Gerry Binder
Vietnam veteran
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